Let the holidays begin!

by Juliet Leonard – Speech and Language Therapist
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As we come to the end of term, a very different winter break is upon us – following a year which has shocked us all, forced us to re-evaluate priorities and to be thankful for some of things we took for granted.

Looking to the year ahead, it is difficult to make any predictions or promises; but we and our children all have hopes and dreams which no-one, not even covid can take away.

And so, to encourage us all to consider what we have, to look ahead with hope (and to encourage some lovely future tense verbs to develop in the process!) here are some ideas for the winter break at home.



So it hasn’t been the best of years for many people.  However, there have been some wonderful acts of kindness and moments of care, particularly in school communities who have really pulled together.  Talk about how your community has pulled together and the people who have made a special contribution.  Remember to tag them – our superheroes need a mention and they stand to win one of 5 copies of the fabulous ‘Ultimate Guide to SLCN’

A wish Jar

It’s time to look ahead and think about what we hope for in 2021 – 2020 has taught us that simple things can bring great joy, like seeing friends, being able to go to school or work, going out for a coffee or a trip to the theatre.  Pop them in your wish jar, at school or home


What do you want to achieve next year?  A new hobby maybe, a new skill or a resolution to spend more time outside, to show extra kindness or celebrate what you have?  This is a great time to think about some achievable targets, for young and old(er) alike!

If you celebrate Christmas, have a lovely one.  And if you don’t, enjoy this wonderful winter holiday with your family.