Language Activities

We have put together lots of games and activities for you to use with your child at home to encourage their understanding and talking. Use our everyday activities to see how to transform daily routines into language opportunities for your child. If you want to use more targeted games then use our extensive list of colour-coded games to get you and your child talking.


The best way to encourage your child’s speech and language development is to do lots of talking and listening together. There is no need to have special tasks or extra time in the day to do this, it is always good to talk. This is why everyday activities like mealtimes, having a bath and even household chores, such as organising the washing, are perfect for developing your child’s speech and language skills. By using everyday activities, you can talk about events and situations that are very familiar to your child and it enables them to practice the language skills that they have already learned and to build on these skills.

Almost any daily event can be used, there are some ideas below to get you started.

Language Activities

We have put together lots of games and activities for you to use with your child at home to encourage their understanding and talking. We have divided this section into colour bands to show you the stage of development that activity is encouraging. Use our developmental tables to see what the next steps are for your child and then use the language activities to encourage the development of those skills. For example, if your child’s next language steps were in the green band on the development chart then choose from the green language activities.

For more games ideas visit our shop